§ 172

Law § 172 of Hammurabi's Code

If her husband did not give her a wedding gift, they shall restore to her a dowry and she shall take the same share as a single heir from the property in the house of her husband. If her sons begin to pester her to make her leave the house, the judges shall make the decisions about her affairs and the sons shall bear the blame. That woman does not have to leave her husband's house. If that woman has made the decision to leave, she shall leave the gift her husband gave her for her sons. She shall take the dowry from her father's house. She shall choose a husband she likes.
Law Group


Law § 172 - Cuneiform - Law Code of Hammurabi

Source: Bergmann (1953, p. 22, col. R XIII, lns. 6–40)


šum-ma mu-za nu-du-un-na-am la id-di-iš-ši-im še-ri-iḳ-ta-ša u-ša-la-mu-ši-im-ma i-na ŠA.GA bît mu-ti-ša ṣi-it-tam ki-ma ablim iš-te-en i-li-ḳi šum-ma mârê-ša aš-šum i-na bîtim šu-zi-im u-za-aḫ-ḫa-mu-ši da-a-a-nu wa-ar-ka-za i-par-ra-su-ma mârê ar-nam i-im-mi-du zinništum ši-i i-na bît mu-ti-ša u-ul uz-zi šum-ma zinništum ši-i a-na wa-ṣi-im pa-ni-ša iš-ta-ka-an nu-du-un-na-am ša mu-za id-di-nu-ši-im a-na mârê-ša i-iz-zi-ib še-ri-iḳ-tam ša bît a-bi-ša i-li-ḳi-ma mu-ut li-ib-bi-ša i-iḫ-ḫa-az-zi

Source: Abulhab (2017, p. 76f.)


šumma mussa nudunnâm la iddiššim, šeriktaša ušallamūšimma ina makkūr bīt mutiša zittam kīma aplim ištēn ileqqe. šumma mārūša aššum ina bītim šūṣîm usaḫḫamūši, dayyānū warkassa iparrasūma mārī arnam immidū. sinništum šî ina bīt mutiša ul uṣṣi šumma sinništum šî ana waṣêm panīša ištakan nudunnâm ša mussa iddinušim ana mārīša izzib. šeriktam ša bīt abiša ileqqēma. mut libbiša iḫḫassi.

Source: Richardson (2004, p. 96)


If her husband did not give her a wedding gift, they shall restore to her a dowry and she shall take the same share as a single heir from the property in the house of her husband. If her sons begin to pester her to make her leave the house, the judges shall make the decisions about her affairs and the sons shall bear the blame. That woman does not have to leave her husband's house. If that woman has made the decision to leave, she shall leave the gift her husband gave her for her sons. She shall take the dowry from her father's house. She shall choose a husband she likes.

Source: Richardson (2004, p. 97)


Signs for Law § 172


Location of Law § 172 · Powered by Stele3DSM

Orientation Back
Side(s) Sides 4 – 5 (overflow)
Column(s) Col. 36
Line(s) Lns. 6–40
Law § 172


Logic Map for § 172 · Powered by LawgicSnifferSM



Akkadian Words · Powered by GrammarSnifferSM

šumma (conditional Particle) "if; whether"

libbiša (Noun form) Masculine Singular of libbu "heart"


Dedović, B. "§ 172 - eHammurabi." OMNIKA Foundation, 4 Nov. 2023, ehlaw.org/law/172. [Accessed 18 Feb. 2025]


Dedović, B. (2023, November 4). § 172 - eHammurabi. OMNIKA Foundation. https://ehlaw.org/law/172


Dedović, Boban. "§ 172 - eHammurabi." Las Vegas, NV: OMNIKA Foundation. Created November 4, 2023. Modified January 1, 2025. Accessed February 18, 2025. https://ehlaw.org/law/172.

CMS 16


Abulhab, Saad D. The Law Code of Hammurabi: Transliterated and Literally Translated from its Early Classical Arabic Language. New York, NY: Blautopf, 2017.


Bergmann, Eugen. Codex Ḫammurabi: Textus Primigenius. Rome, Italy: Pontificium Institutum Biblicum, 1953.


Huehnergard, John. A Grammar of Akkadian (Third Edition). Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2011.


Huehnergard, John. Key to a Grammar of Akkadian (Third Edition). Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2013.


OMNIKA Foundation Contributors. "OMNIKA: Digital Mythology Library & Search Engine." Las Vegas, NV: OMNIKA Foundation, accessed November 14, 2023. https://omnika.org. [Visit]

Richardson, Mervyn E.J. Hammurabi's Laws: Text, Translation and Glossary. New York, NY: T & T Clark International, 2004.


Sound of Text Contributors. "Sound of Text: AI Text-to-Speech." Accessed November 14, 2023. https://soundoftext.app. [Visit]


eHammurabi Glossary

The § symbol commonly denotes "a shorthand notation for the word 'section'."

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eHammurabi Glossary

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