§ 179

Law § 179 of Hammurabi's Code

women of certain classes are entitled to their dowry if a contract exists.
If an entum, nadītum, or sekretum whose father gave her a dowry and wrote (it on) a tablet for her, (and) in the tablet that he wrote for her he wrote for her to give her inheritance wherever was pleasing to her, and gave her full discretion, after the father has passed on, she may give her inheritance wherever it is pleasing to her; her brothers will not sue her.
Law Group


Law § 179 - Cuneiform - Law Code of Hammurabi

Source: Bergmann (1953, p. 24, col. R XV, lns. 20–42)


šum-ma NIN.DINGIR LUKUR ù lu sekretum (ZI.IK.RU.UM) ša a-bu-ša še-ri-ik-tam iš-ru-ku-ši-im ku-nu-kam iš-ṭú-ru-ši-im i-na DUB-pí-im ša iš-ṭú-ru-ši-im wa-ar-ka-sà e-ma e-li-ša ṭa-bu na-da-nam iš-ṭur-ši-im-ma ma-la li-ib-bi-ša uš-tam-ṣí-ši wa-ar-ka a-bu-um a-na ši-im-tim it-ta-al-ku wa-ar-ka-sà e-ma e-li-ša ṭa-bu i-na-ad-di-in aḫ-ḫu-ša ú-ul i-ba-aq-qá-ru-ši

Source: Huehnergard (2013, p. 73)


šumma entum nadītum ū lū sekretum ša abūša šeriktam išrukūšim kunukkam išṭurūšim ina ṭuppim ša išṭurūšim warkassa ēma elīša ṭābu nadānam išṭuršim-ma mala libbīša uštamṣīši, warka abum ana šīmtim ittalku warkassa ēma elīša ṭābu inaddin; aḫḫūša ul ibaqqarūši.

Source: Huehnergard (2013, p. 73)


If an entum, nadītum, or sekretum whose father gave her a dowry and wrote (it on) a tablet for her, (and) in the tablet that he wrote for her he wrote for her to give her inheritance wherever was pleasing to her, and gave her full discretion, after the father has passed on, she may give her inheritance wherever it is pleasing to her; her brothers will not sue her.

Source: Huehnergard (2013, p. 74)


Signs for Law § 179


Location of Law § 179 · Powered by Stele3DSM

Orientation Back
Side(s) Sides 4 – 5 (overflow)
Column(s) Col. 38
Line(s) Lns. 20–42
Law § 179


Logic Map for § 179 · Powered by LawgicSnifferSM



Akkadian Words · Powered by GrammarSnifferSM

šumma (conditional Particle) "if; whether"

entum (Noun form) Feminine Singular Nominative of entu "high priestess"

nadītum (Noun form) Feminine Singular Nominative of nadītu "temple priestess"

sekretum (Noun form) Feminine Singular Nominative of sekretu "cloistered woman"


Dedović, B. "§ 179 - eHammurabi." OMNIKA Foundation, 4 Nov. 2023, ehlaw.org/law/179. [Accessed 20 Feb. 2025]


Dedović, B. (2023, November 4). § 179 - eHammurabi. OMNIKA Foundation. https://ehlaw.org/law/179


Dedović, Boban. "§ 179 - eHammurabi." Las Vegas, NV: OMNIKA Foundation. Created November 4, 2023. Modified January 4, 2025. Accessed February 20, 2025. https://ehlaw.org/law/179.

CMS 16


Abulhab, Saad D. The Law Code of Hammurabi: Transliterated and Literally Translated from its Early Classical Arabic Language. New York, NY: Blautopf, 2017.


Bergmann, Eugen. Codex Ḫammurabi: Textus Primigenius. Rome, Italy: Pontificium Institutum Biblicum, 1953.


Huehnergard, John. A Grammar of Akkadian (Third Edition). Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2011.


Huehnergard, John. Key to a Grammar of Akkadian (Third Edition). Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2013.


OMNIKA Foundation Contributors. "OMNIKA: Digital Mythology Library & Search Engine." Las Vegas, NV: OMNIKA Foundation, accessed November 14, 2023. https://omnika.org. [Visit]

Richardson, Mervyn E.J. Hammurabi's Laws: Text, Translation and Glossary. New York, NY: T & T Clark International, 2004.


Sound of Text Contributors. "Sound of Text: AI Text-to-Speech." Accessed November 14, 2023. https://soundoftext.app. [Visit]


eHammurabi Glossary

The § symbol commonly denotes "a shorthand notation for the word 'section'."

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eHammurabi Glossary

The term Cuneiform commonly means "an ancient writing system used by various cultures around Mesopotamia."

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eHammurabi Glossary

The term Normalization commonly means "the application of grammatical rules unto transliterated sound values."

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eHammurabi Glossary

The term Translation commonly means "the conversion of linguistic contents and their meanings from one language into another."

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eHammurabi Glossary

The term Transliteration commonly means "the conversion of sound values from one writing system into another."

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